12:59 21.07.2020

About a third of Ukrainians would vote for Servant of the People, every fifth citizen for Oppo Bloc - For Life – Social Monitoring survey

2 min read

KYIV. July 21 (Interfax-Ukraine) – If elections to parliament were held next Sunday, then almost a third of Ukraine's eligible population would support the Servant of the People party, while 20.1% would vote for the Opposition Platform - For Life party and for European Solidarity - 15.7%.

These are the findings of a survey conducted by Social Monitoring Center from July 8 to July 15 July 2020. The results were presented at a press conference hosted by the Interfax-Ukraine agency on Tuesday.

According to the poll, if the elections to the Rada were held next week, 29.8% of respondents would vote for Servant of the People, 20.1% for Opposition Platform - For Life and 15.7% for European Solidarity.

Some 14.8% of respondents found it difficult to answer, while 12.5% said they would not vote.

As for the parties that are currently represented in parliament, according to the respondents, "the most thought-out and realistic solutions for ending the military conflict in Donbas and establishing peace" are offered by Opposition Platform - For Life - 22.4%, Servant People - 19.6%, European Solidarity 10.7% and Batkivschyna - 8.9%.

Opposition Platform - For Life and Servant of the People have the most support in Ukraine's eastern and southern regions, while European Solidarity is most supported in western and central regions.

Some 24.1% of respondents believe that none of the listed parties offers a real solution to end the conflict in Donbas.

The survey, named "Opinion and views of the population of Ukraine, July 2020," is based on interviews with 3,035 respondents. The margin of error does not exceed 1.9%.