11:59 06.03.2020

Overwhelming majority of Ukrainians think most important task for women is housekeeping and family, for men – making money

2 min read

KYIV. March 6 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The vast majority of Ukrainians agree that the most important task of a woman to take care of home and family (83%), and that the most important task of a man is making money (75%).

According to the results of a survey conducted by Sociological Group Rating in late February, 78% agree that women more often than men make decisions based on emotions.

Some 67% agree that it is unacceptable when men cry (25% - do not agree), while 68% agree that women have less freedom due to family obligations (27% do not agree).

Almost half agree (34% disagree) with the thesis that women are less interested than men in occupying responsible political positions. Almost two-thirds of respondents disagree with the statement that women do not have the appropriate knowledge and skills to occupy senior positions in politics, a quarter agree.

According to respondents, more often in their family (couple) a woman cooks food (64%). Only about a quarter noted that this role in their union was divided equally. According to the respondents, responsibilities for raising children and doing household chores are also assigned to women (52% and 43%, respectively).

At the same time, in relation to the upbringing of children, in contrast to household affairs, the respondents noted more often that this role was equally divided in their pair.

The survey was conducted by the Rating group on February 21-25, 2020. Some 2,000 respondents were interviewed via personal formalized interview (face-to-face). The margin of error of the study does not exceed 2.2%.