12:54 30.05.2024

Latest military aid package from Sweden includes two ASC 890 aircraft

1 min read

Sweden's previously announced largest package of military assistance to Ukraine worth EUR 1.16 billion includes two radar reconnaissance and control aircraft (ACS890), the Swedish government reported.

"The package includes two Airborne Surveillance and Control aircrafts (ACS890), helping Ukraine to identify targets at long range," representative of the Swedish Prime Minister Tom Samuelsson said on the social network X.

He also added that Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson presented the plane directly to the Ukrainian Ambassador to Sweden.

The Swedish government announced on May 29 that Sweden will provide Ukraine with the 16th and largest military aid package since the start of the full-scale Russian invasion.

The aid package amounts to SEK 13.3 billion ($1.3 billion).

Sweden is donating radar reconnaissance and control aircraft (ASC 890) to Ukraine, thereby strengthening Ukraine's air defense capabilities. Sweden is donating the entire Swedish fleet of Pansarbandvagn 302 (Pbv 302) to support the creation of new brigades of the Ukrainian army. Sweden will also send artillery ammunition and resources to maintain previously transferred equipment.