Ukraine's Dpty Foreign Minister informs OPCW Director-General about Russia's systemic violations of Chemical Weapons Convention

First Deputy Foreign Minister of Ukraine Andriy Sybiha held a virtual meeting with Director-General of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) Fernando Arias.
According to the press service of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, Sybiha informed Arias about the ratification by the Verkhovna Rada of the Ad hoc Agreement between Ukraine and the OPCW Technical Secretariat on Privileges and Immunities for Technical Assistance Visits. The document opens up opportunities for organizing OPCW technical assistance visits to Ukraine.
"The Director-General of the OPCW was informed about systemic violations by the Russian Federation of the Chemical Weapons Convention. The First Deputy Foreign Minister of Ukraine drew special attention to the use by the aggressor state of special ammunition filled with toxic chemicals against military personnel of the Ukrainian defense forces," the ministry said.
It is noted that the competent authorities of Ukraine are taking all necessary measures, in particular within the framework of pre-trial investigations in criminal proceedings, in order to bring the Russian perpetrators to justice.
During the meeting, the interlocutors discussed the current state and prospects for strengthening the implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention by Ukraine, including by improving the Ukrainian legislation in the field of chemical safety.
Special attention during the meeting was paid to discussing issues of strengthening the institutional capabilities of Ukraine in order to ensure an appropriate response to chemical threats.
Following the meeting, the parties agreed to continue active cooperation between Ukraine and the OPCW Technical Secretariat to establish all facts of violation of the Chemical Weapons Convention and the use of such weapons in Ukraine.