17:37 05.09.2023

Prosecutor General on initiative to equate corruption to treason: NABU, SAPO should not lose what they have

2 min read
Prosecutor General on initiative to equate corruption to treason: NABU, SAPO should not lose what they have

The capacity of Ukraine's anti-corruption agencies should only be strengthened, and they cannot afford to lose any of what they have achieved, according to Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin.

"I would not like to answer the question of how criminal procedural legislation can develop if this issue moves into the political sphere," Kostin said on Tuesday, commenting on President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy's initiative to equate corruption during wartime to treason.

"From my point of view, neither the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine nor the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office can afford to lose any of what they have achieved. We should only support their ability to work even more effectively," the Prosecutor General said.

According to him, people perceive corruption more broadly than the legal aspect of corruption, and society sees any unlawful actions by police, border guards, and other representatives of the authorities as corruption.

"So attempts to involve as many agencies as possible in countering all these manifestations are my duty as Prosecutor General. To enable each pretrial investigation agency to effectively perform its work," Kostin said.

At the same time, he added, "any proposals regarding changes to the Criminal Procedure Code must first and foremost comply with the state's criminal policy, and have the support of the parliament and the president."

According to the Prosecutor General, it is necessary to make the work of the entire law enforcement system more effective, including the anti-corruption component.

"Any idea should be discussed. This discussion should be open, professional, so that the decisions made by the legislature are in favor of the development of our country," Kostin said.