17:46 24.01.2018

Ensuring rights of IDPs should be among Ukrainian government priorities – PACE resolution

2 min read
Ensuring rights of IDPs should be among Ukrainian government priorities – PACE resolution

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) believes that the development and adoption of a strategy for internally displaced persons in Ukraine, as well as ensuring their rights should be among the priorities of the Ukrainian authorities.

"It [PACE] also believes that the adoption of a comprehensive strategy for internally displaced persons (IDPs), ensuring their political and social rights as well as their integration, should be one of the government's priority tasks," PACE said the resolution "Humanitarian consequences of the war in Ukraine" published on its website on Wednesday.

In particular, PACE called on the Ukrainian authorities to adopt a governmental program of assistance to the families of missing and captured persons during the war in Ukraine, as well as the families of people captured and imprisoned by the Russian authorities in annexed Crimea and on the territory of the Russian Federation in the context of the war.

The assembly urged the Ukrainian authorities "to develop, adopt and finance the State programme on psychological assistance to military and civilian people who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder. Develop a national mechanism of compensation for civilian victims who were injured or whose families were killed during the war. Provide mechanisms for ensuring the voting rights of IDPs in all elections, including at local level."

The Assembly calls on the international community to convene an international humanitarian conference on Ukraine to raise funding for the humanitarian relief plan and devise strategies for the co-ordination of humanitarian assistance.

"The Assembly asks the Council of Europe Development Bank to create affordable loan programmes to be used to support housing projects for vulnerable persons in Ukraine, including IDPs in need of permanent housing, reconstruction projects and health and education facilities in the most devastated areas. The Assembly encourages the Ukrainian Government to consider the possibility of joining the Council of Europe Development Bank," the document says.

PACE also urges to open new crossing points, in particular a checkpoint at Zolote in Luhansk region, and also provide the families of missing persons with the necessary assistance in finding and identifying the remains of their loved ones.