10:27 09.08.2017

Russia in July supplies 4 tanks, 4 artillery systems and 7 rocket launchers to militants

2 min read
Russia in July supplies 4 tanks, 4 artillery systems and 7 rocket launchers to militants

Russia in July supplied illegal armed formations in eastern Ukraine with four tanks, seven armored vehicles, four artillery systems, seven rocket launchers and up to eight other vehicles, Ukraine's representative to the security subgroup of the Trilateral Contact Group Yevhen Marchuk has said.

Marchuk on his Facebook page posted a copy of the document presented during talks in Minsk.

"The Russian side always denies, declaring that information is not verified and demanding that we show where the equipment was when it was photographed…" Marchuk said.

According to the document in July Russia also provided militants with 103 cisterns and four fuel trucks (with a capacity of 6,000 tons), 19 railway cars and 10 trucks with ammunition. Russian aerial reconnaissance was also used (eight times in May and on three occasions in June).

From the start of 2017 through August 2 there were 104 cases of illegal railway border crossings from Russia and 53 columns of military and vehicle traffic, according to Marchuk's document.

Marchuk said the information was presented to the Russian side as well as to the Special Monitoring Mission of Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, adding that the time, place, as well as GPS coordinates of the transfers were included in the report.