NATO approves decision to expand its presence in Eastern Europe - Stoltenberg

NATO Defense Ministers have decided to enhance the presence of the alliance in Eastern Europe, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Wednesday.
"NATO Defense Ministers agreed on an enhanced forward presence in the eastern part of our Alliance," Stoltenberg said at a press conference in Brussels.
The enhanced forward presence will be "multinational, to make clear that an attack against one Ally is an attack against all Allies, and that the Alliance as a whole will respond," he stressed.
"It will be rotational and supported by a programme of exercises; and it will be complemented by the necessary logistics and infrastructure to support pre-positioning and facilitate rapid reinforcement. Our military planners will provide the advice on the size and composition of our enhanced presence this spring," Stoltenberg added.
The Secretary General welcomed the announcement made by many Allies on how they would contribute and pointed out that further decisions will be taken at the Warsaw Summit in July.