14:42 30.06.2023

President's Office plans to develop concept for concentrating business control functions in one body in 1-2 months – Shurma

2 min read
President's Office plans to develop concept for concentrating business control functions in one body in 1-2 months – Shurma

The President's Office plans to soon develop a business control concept that provides for the concentration of control functions in one government agency instead of several, as is happening now, Deputy Head of the President's Office Rostyslav Shurma has said.

"In the coming weeks, perhaps in a month or two, we will develop a concept according to which we will try to concentrate all the functionality of interaction with business in one law enforcement agency so that three-five agencies do not go to one company," Shurma said at a press conference in Kyiv on Friday.

At the same time, he noted that the possibility of concentrating control functions at the Economic Security Bureau is being considered as a working option.

"What kind of body it will be, there is no affirmative decision, but the basic option is the Economic Security Bureau," the deputy head of the President's Office said.

At the same time, according to him, Ukraine will approach the solution of business problems related to law enforcement and regulatory authorities in a systematic way.

"The president clearly defined the systematic solution to all these problems with tax and customs: this is complete digitalization. Yes, it will take some time, months, maybe years in order to remove human interaction as much as possible, and with it the factor of corruption and all that discomfort, which business faces," Shurma noted.

In addition, as he pointed out, systematic work is needed with imperfections in the legislation so that businesses can be protected from violations, and regulatory authorities would have less reason to fix them.