10:46 08.10.2021

Metinvest has development strategy until 2030, developing strategy until 2050 - CEO

2 min read
Metinvest has development strategy until 2030, developing strategy until 2050 - CEO

 Metinvest Mining and Metallurgical Group is currently guided by the company's development strategy until 2030 and is developing a strategy until 2050, Metinvest CEO Yuriy Ryzhenkov said in an interview with Forbes-Ukraine.

"Our strategy is calculated until 2030. We are finalizing it until 2050," the top manager said, adding that the 2030 strategy has an option to enter an IPO, "but everything will depend, of course, on our financial burden."

At the same time, Ryzhenkov noted that there is an overestimation of the advantages of publicity.

"Ferrexpo is a public company, but it is still attacked for being oligarchic and paying little rent. So it is more from the sphere of political technologies ... Thanks to the fact that we have two shareholders, our willingness to IPO is high from the point of view of corporate governance, and from the point of view of reporting. Sometimes the question even arises, why bear the burden of a public company without receiving corresponding benefits. If it was decided to go to the stock exchange, we could do it in a year and a half. Question: what for?" he said.

At the same time, he clarified that it would be more correct to address the issue of IPO to shareholders.

"As a hired manager, I must be guided by financial and economic logic. The logic of any placement - debt or equity - is quite simple. The company has a development strategy. If it does not have enough money, it primarily uses debt instruments, because it is the cheapest capital. The most expensive is shares. As long as the company is able to serve its development needs through debt markets, there is absolutely no economic incentive to go public. By the way, if Metinvest were a public company, we would have given up investing in Mariupol back in 2014 and everything would have been closed there, because any public investors would say: what $ 150 million investments - they shoot at you there," the top manager explained.

According to Ryzhenkov, the largest crisis in the history of Metinvest was in 2013–2015.