20:06 05.02.2021

Rada divides functions of antimonopoly committee in competition policy and work with tender appeals

2 min read
Rada divides functions of antimonopoly committee in competition policy and work with tender appeals

The Verkhovna Rada adopted at second reading bill No. 3132 on improving the work of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (AMCU), which provides for the introduction of the institute of commissioners to consider complaints in the field of public procurement.

According to an Interfax-Ukraine correspondent, a total of 245 MPs backed the bill with the required 226 votes.

"This bill is the first step in a comprehensive antitrust reform. It shares the functions of the Antimonopoly Committee in competition policy and as an appellate body in public procurement," Deputy Chairperson of the parliamentary committee on economic policy Roksolana Pidlasa told Interfax-Ukraine.

As indicated in an explanatory note, the bill separately defines the powers of the Committee as a body of appeal in public procurement and provides for the establishment of a commission to consider complaints about violations of legislation in the field of public procurement. It must consist of at least three state-authorized commissioners to deal with such complaints.

"In fact, instead of investigating anti-competitive collusion, Committee officials are appealing thousands of tenders and finding out who bought milk for schools and how. This is an important function for public funds to be used efficiently, but all over the world tenders are appealed by a separate chamber or a separate body, not by an authorized representative of the antimonopoly body," Pidlasa said.

Thus, after the law enters into force, the Antimonopoly Committee will receive state commissioners who will deal exclusively with appeals against tender procurement, she added.