Ukraine to stimulate waste sorting, waste-to-energy activities - concept

Ukraine has developed a list of legislative incentives for the separate collection, withdrawal and processing of household waste, as well as the further generation of energy from it.
The proposed measures are contained in the concept of waste-to-energy measures in Ukraine, developed by the State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine jointly with Kyiv City State Administration and the National Commission for Energy, Housing and Utilities Services Regulation (NCER). The document was presented at the congress "Business for Smart Cities" in Kyiv on January 29.
In particular, the concept proposes to introduce a system of guarantees and incentives for investing in the field of waste-to-energy measures, as well as guarantee to enterprises processing waste the volumes established by the contract.
It is planned to authorize local authorities to define a single operator for waste treatment. The latter will sign long-term contracts for waste treatment, services for its removal and disposal. This will allow attracting private capital to the industry, the authors of the concept believe.