19:02 06.09.2018

Losses from insurance against nuclear risks approaching zero, personal insurance in transport less than 10%

2 min read

The losses of insurance against nuclear risks in 2017 was close to zero, while losses from personal insurance in transport was less than 10%, according to statistics data posted on the website of the Better Regulation Delivery Office (BRDO), with reference to the National Commission for the State Regulation of Financial Services Markets.

The BRDO notes that on the results of analysis of the regulation of the scope of compulsory insurance, the low loss ratio of compulsory insurance is one of the problems of the market.

At the same time, the losses of domestic insurance of motor vehicle owners' liability to third parties was about 50% last year, and the average level of unprofitability of insurance reached about 35%.

The criterion for applying compulsory insurance should be liability to third parties, a high degree of activity risks and their distribution to a wide range of persons or the exploitation of a high-risk facility, as well as international obligations, the office noted.

At the same time, the analysis of industry regulation notes a problem of low liability of the insured: out of 40 types of compulsory insurance 72.5% do not provide for the liability of the insured for non-signing of contracts. Among such types are insurance of property risks within the industrial reconnaissance of oil and gas deposits and insurance of civil liability of the business entity for damage that may be caused to third parties as a result of blasting operations.