Ukroboronprom to supply Ukrainian army with up to 360,000 large-caliber 152mm rounds annually

Ukraine's state-owned Ukroboronprom Concern has begun shipments of serially produced 152mm artillery rounds to Ukraine's Armed Forces, plans to provide up to 360,000 rounds annually.
Ukroboronprom's press service said on Monday the concern's state joint-stock holding company Artem along with military specialists have finished the testing of the new 152mm ammunition for the "Hyacinth" system at the 30-kilometer range and is starting serial production of the ammunition. Supply of the new ammunition should begin in the near future, the press service said.
In addition to Artem, other defense enterprises belonging to Ukroboronprom producing gunpowder and explosive devices are involved in the production.
Ukrobornoprom's press service said current capacity can provide for producing up to 18,000 152mm rounds in the near future before ramping up to 360,000 rounds per year.
"This will fully cover the needs of Ukraine's army today and in the future," the press service said, adding that the project is the first stage of the government's state program for developing Ukraine's ammunition production capacities. The program was approved in 2017.
Ukroboronprom plans to produce 100mm to 155mm rounds which meet NATO standards, the press service said.