Ukrtransgaz switches to principle to pay for ordered capacity for tariffing gas underground storage facilities services

PJSC Ukrtransgaz from August 1 switched to the principle to pay for the ordered capacity for tariffing gas underground storage (UGS) facilities services, the press service of the company reported on Monday.
The payment system was changed in line with resolution of the National Commission for Energy and Housing Utilities Services Regulation (NCER) No. 480 dated June 19, 2018.
"The new tariffs set a fee for the capacity of injection, selection and working volume of gas storage, whereas the previous ones provided for a fee for the actual volume of pumping, sampling and storage," Ukrtransgaz notes.
The new tariff for injection into the UGS facilities was fixed at the level of UAH 0.172 per 1,000 cubic meters per day (previously the tariff was UAH 32.90 per 1,000 cubic meters), for storage - UAH 64.40 per 1,000 cubic meters a day (previously - UAH 46.20 per 1,000 cubic meters), for pumping gas out of the UGS facilities - UAH 67.1 per 1,000 cubic meter a day (previously - UAH 32.9 per 1,000 cubic meters). The same tariffs will be applied for the "customs warehouse" service," the company said.
As reported, as of the beginning of the gas withdrawal season from UGS in 2017/2018, there was gas of 244 companies in the Ukrtransgaz storage facilities, including three foreign ones - from the Czech Republic, the Netherlands and Switzerland.
Ukrtransgaz, fully owned by Naftogaz Ukrainy, operates a system of gas trunk pipelines and 11 underground gas storage facilities in the country.