13:05 04.07.2018

Ukroboronprom finishes 40% management staff reduction

1 min read
Ukroboronprom finishes 40% management staff reduction

The Ukroboronprom State Concern has completed the optimization of internal structure and management staff foreseen in the reform plan approved by the supervisory board, the press service of the concern reported on Tuesday.

According to the report, during the optimization the number of staff at the concern was reduced by 40% with retaining the required functions. In addition, three posts of deputy director general were annulled.

The concern said that the staff reform was conducted in line with the rules of dismissing employers by a tender commission that selected best specialists in line with Ukrainian legislation and the collective agreement. Today, the number of managers at the concern is 180 specialists.

The press service said that the saved money are sent to intensify design works, develop innovative projects, production facilities and secure social guarantees of the concern enterprises' workers.

According to the report, the new management structure of the concern to manage enterprises is based on the cluster principle: each cluster is coordinate and supervised by the respective division.