13:58 02.04.2018

Director of Transparency International Ukraine declares over UAH 230,000 as salary for 2017

1 min read
Director of Transparency International Ukraine declares over UAH 230,000 as salary for 2017

Director of Transparency International Ukraine declares over UAH 230,000 as salary for 2017

KYIV. April 2 (Interfax-Ukraine) - Executive Director of Transparency International Ukraine Yaroslav Yurchyshyn has filed an electronic declaration for 2017, in which he stated a salary of UAH 237,765.

According to his declaration published in the single state register of declarations, Yurchyshyn received a salary of UAH 237,765, as well as UAH 916,084 of income from entrepreneurial activities and UAH 2,143 and UAH 194 as interest from bank deposits.

Yurchyshyn also has UAH 45,075 placed on bank accounts.

His wife, Olha, received UAH 268,482 as income from entrepreneurial activities, as well as UAH 6,880 as state aid for the birth of a child.

Yurchyshyn also owns an apartment in Kyiv worth UAH 607,468, which he bought in 2014.