Groysman calls on communities to create conditions for competitive business access to land

Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman calls on local authorities to create conditions for competitive access of businesses to land resources.
"I fully support the position of transferring land to the management of communities, especially when it comes to communities that have united outside settlements. But I ask you to make these resources available so that entrepreneurs can competitively buy or lease land for the enterprise," he said, speaking at the Day of Dialogue with the parliament and the General Meeting of the Association of Ukrainian Cities in Kyiv on Tuesday.
The prime minister noted the importance of deregulation and development of electronic services for business development.
At the same time he added that it is necessary to support small towns, which do not always have the resources to solve their problems.
Groysman also noted that as a result of the discussion on the possibility of transferring the administration of benefits, a decision was taken not to do this so far.