SPF intends to permit nonresidents to take state-owned property on lease

The State Property Fund of Ukraine sent a draft order to the Justice Ministry. The document permits nonresidents to take part in leasing of state-owned facilities and relaxes the submission of documents for leasing by them, First Deputy SPF Head Dmytro Parfenenko has said.
"We open a way to take state-owned property on lease for nonresidents… Recently the interest of foreign companies to take Ukrainian facilities on lease was growing. This is our quick answer," he wrote on his Facebook page.
Parfenenko said that the approval of the order is a logical step, as nonresidents are allowed to privatize property in Ukraine.
"If they can privatize, why not take property on lease? Moreover, we have more facilities for leasing than for privatizing. Now we offer 5,955 facilities ," he said.
He added that the document also abolishes the necessity of having licenses for concrete types of activities for tenants.