11:41 19.07.2017

Successful healthcare reform should base on mandatory medical insurance, high expenses on healthcare

2 min read
Successful healthcare reform should base on mandatory medical insurance, high expenses on healthcare

Successful healthcare reform should base on the introduction of mandatory medical insurance and the setting of the clear percentage of GDP for healthcare expenses in Ukrainian legislation, Head of the parliamentary healthcare committee Olha Bohomolets has said.

"What another way do we have? This is the setting of percentage of GDP and the introduction of mandatory medical insurance," she said at a meeting of the committee leaders with representatives of the healthcare commission of regional and district councils.

Bohomolets said that mandatory medical insurance envisages a tool for creating a new pool of funds, which are not enough today. They are to enter the healthcare system.

She said that the bill proposed by the Health Ministry on government financial guarantees for the provision of healthcare services and medicines (No. 6327) foresees guaranteed financing which would allow covering only minimum needs. It does not take into account the necessity of financing secondary and specialized medical care.

She believes that the implementation of the ministry's initiatives would not allow financing specialized medical care, while today up to 80% of the healthcare budget is spent on it.

She said that bill No. 6327 does not offer the ways for looking for new sources of financing.

Bohomolets said that the profile committee has drawn up a legislative base for healthcare reform with bills on mandatory medical insurance, on the principles of the state healthcare policy and on the organization of the provision of healthcare services.