10:48 25.10.2016

Competitiveness of Ukrainian products is obstacle for entering EU markets – Agriculture ministry

1 min read
Competitiveness of Ukrainian products is obstacle for entering EU markets – Agriculture ministry

High competitiveness of Ukrainian products is one of the obstacles to all Ukrainian goods entering European Union markets, Minister of Agricultural Policy and Food of Ukraine Taras Kutoviy has said.

"Our products in Europe are too competitive. The cost of production is low, and Europe puts up barriers to keep them out. We do it where we manage to promote our goods, but there is still resistance," the minister said on the air of ICTV Channel.

The minister noted Ukrainian dairy products are gradually appearing in Europeans markets.

"Let it start with milk powder, but the matter is moving. There are niches that are not filled. For example, honey. Quotas have been increased by 6,000 tonnes," he added.

The minister said one of the barriers is certification of Ukrainian products.

"We need to work here, but this is also a regulatory mechanism Europe uses to reduce the volume of products which can get in its markets," he said.

Kutoviy said, "Europe and the opportunities we got from the agreement on a free trade area [within the Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine] helped us reimburse for the loss of the Russian market."