Energy Community Secretariat hopes Ukraine's energy regulator will correct gas market regulations

A number of legal regulations passed by the National Commission of Ukraine for Energy, Housing and Utilities Services Regulation do not entirely correspond to the backbone law of Ukraine on the Natural Gas Market, Director of the Energy Community Secretariat Janez Kopac has said.
"The whole set of secondary legal regulations (around 25 of them) was not adopted in its entirety. Of those adopted, many (i.e. Network Codes) include some provisions which are not completely compliant with the Gas Market Law. The Secretariat has assessed the acts and sent its analysis pointing to the cases of non-compliance to the National Commission. We hope that the acts will be corrected soon," he told Interfax-Ukraine in an exclusive interview.
At the same time he praised the natural gas law. "Ukraine is well advanced in gas sector reform, having adopted the EU Third Energy Package compliant Law on Natural Gas Market which entered into force in October 2015," he said.
As was reported, some legal regulations adopted by the commission to formalize the Natural Gas Market Law became effective on November 27, 2015. In particular, these are the Code of the Gas Transport System, the Code of the Gas Distribution System, and the rules for natural gas shipments.
These documents were heavily criticized by NJSC Naftogaz Ukrainy. However, the Regional Gas Company, which manages over 20 gas distribution companies across the country, supported their adoption.