Problems with customs cost appraisal could result to WTO disputes – trade envoy

Problems with customs cost appraisal by Ukraine's State Fiscal Service could result in disputes in the World Trade Organization (WTO).
"Customs cost evaluation is an important issue. This is our problem that could even potentially grow into a WTO dispute," Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade and Trade Representative of Ukraine Natalia Mykolska said, presenting Ukraine's WTO Trade Policy Review, which is conducted every six years..
She said that during the Trade Policy Review Ukraine's partners in WTO said that business climate and currency restrictions are spheres that require improvement in the country.
Additionally, WTO member countries see gross flaws in Ukraine's tax system, operation of the State Fiscal Service, especially the nation's customs offices.
Mykolska said that WTO members hope that transparent privatization in Ukraine will be conducted soon and barriers in the sphere of sanitary supervision and exports restrictions will be removed.