14:25 06.04.2016

IMF calls on Ukraine to combat corruption resolutely

1 min read
IMF calls on Ukraine to combat corruption resolutely

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) calls on Ukraine to resolutely combat corruption, IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde said in Berlin on Tuesday.

Deutsche Welle (DW) reported that Lagarde said that eradicating corruption should be the key component of the new IMF program for Ukraine.

DW quoted Lagarde as recalling how German Chancellor Angela Merkel urged the international community to cooperate with the Ukrainian government and with people helping to removing corruption.

She said that she does have enough clarity about the details. She said that the recent events reinforce determination to include the fight against corruption as one of the key components of the program.

"We have been constantly reiterating that eradicating corruption, reforming Naftogaz, for example, in depth, are critical components of the program, and it will continue to be so," she said.