16:54 28.01.2016

SPF in 2016 to prepare 13 stevedores for sale if they are excluded from those that are not subject to privatization

1 min read
SPF in 2016 to prepare 13 stevedores for sale if they are excluded from those that are not subject to privatization

The State Property Fund of Ukraine (SPF) has included 13 state stevedoring companies, after their exclusion from the law of Ukraine on the list of state facilities that are not subject to privatization, in the list of objects that are to be prepared by the fund's regional departments for sale in 2016.

According to a report in the Vidomosti Pryvatyzatsii bulletin, these are Mariupol, Berdiansk, Mykolaiv, Illichivsk, Odesa, Izmail, Yuzhny, Bilhorod-Dnistrovsky, Reni, Ust-Dunaisk, Kherson and Skadovsk seaports and state enterprise Oktiabrsk specialized seaport.

This also concerns PJSC Ukrainian Danube Navigation and the National Black and Azov Production and Operational Management of Marine Lanes.

In addition, the State Property Fund intends in 2016 to prepare Dnipropetrovsk scientific and production complex Electric Locomotives Building and state research and production enterprise Elektronmash for sale.

As reported, the Infrastructure Ministry of Ukraine in November proposed attracting port consultants to the project for the technical audit of ports and water areas, market research of freight traffic and preparing public stevedoring companies for privatization.