NBU publishes information on commercial agents of 16 banks

The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) has published a register of commercial agents of banks with information on commercial representatives of banks that accept cash hryvnia to make a remittance, carry out transactions with electronic money and currency exchange transactions, the central bank has reported on its website.
According to the report, the register includes 16 banks: Fidobank, Oschadbank, bank Trust, bank Center, bank Familny, PrivatBank, First Investment Bank, Ukrinbank, bank Vostok, bank Forward, Alfa-Bank, CIB, International Investment Bank, bank Khreschatyk, bank Mykhailivsky and DV bank.
The regulator said that the provision of free access to the register to individuals and companies would help increasing trust to the banking system in general.
The register is the automated information collection system. Banks and the NBU exchange information in the electronic form.