NBU introduces restrictions on hryvnia payments for nonresidents similar to currency restrictions

Authorized banks from September 10 after receiving applications from clients-residents to send hryvnias under agreements with nonresidents to accounts of banks-nonresidents are to preliminary send the funds to the special account and can transfer them to nonresidents no earlier than the fourth operating day after the information on the planned transactions is put on the relevant register and provided to the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU).
NBU resolution No. 593 of September 9 that expands the list of administrative restrictions has been posted on the NBU's website.
"The authorized banks are banned from sending funds in hryvnias to nonresidents under orders of clients-residents via correspondent accounts of banks-nonresidents opened in the authorized banks if the funds in hryvnias were raised by clients in the form of a loan," reads the new resolution.
NBU said in its press release that the similar restrictions are in effect for payments in foreign currency.
"The regulator unifies the procedure for settling payments in favor of nonresidents," NBU said.
The regulator also banned from using hryvnias to pay for imports contracts, the customs clearance under which was carried out before January 1, 2014, while the similar currency restriction was introduced by the NBU resolution of September 3, 2015.
As reported, the anti-crisis measures which the NBU introduced in 2014-2015 have been extended for another three months until December 4, 2015, according to NBU resolution No. 581 on the settlement of the situation in the monetary and currency market of Ukraine, dated September 3.