Deflation in Ukraine in July 2015 comes to 1%, inflation slows in annual terms to 55.3% - statistics

The State Statistics Service in July 2015, for the first time since August 2013, recorded deflation in Ukraine which amounted to 1%, while in June inflation was 0.4%, in May - 2.2%.
According to the service, in annual terms - compared to the same month in 2014 - inflation slowed to 55.3% from 57.5% in June, 58.4% - May, and 60.9% - April.
In general, over the first seven months of 2015 consumer prices in Ukraine increased by 39.3%.
The national budget of Ukraine for 2015 is built on the optimistic scenario of development, providing for a fall in GDP of 5.5% with inflation being 26.7%.
At the same time, the IMF and the government during the first review of the Extended Fund Facility program (EFF) worsened the forecast for the fall in GDP this year to 9%, inflation - to 45.8%. The National Bank of Ukraine predicts a 9.5% GDP decline, with inflation being 48%.