Local syndicate, consortium agreement market to be created in Ukraine

A local syndicate and consortium agreement market will be created in Ukraine, according to the comprehensive program on developing the financial sector for 2015-2020 which was approved by the National Reforms Council.
According to the program, the development of the long-term investment market is the basis for the resumption of crediting the economy.
In general, the realization of the reform of the financial sector includes three key stages: the purification of the financial sector (withdrawal of insolvent financial institutions from the market, the increase of capitalization, disclosure of owners and removal of toxic assets), the establishment of the foundation for stable growth (protection of creditors, consumers and investors, restoration of trust, development of infrastructure and pension reform) and the development of the financial market (the increase of long-term resources, growth of assets, the increase in the number of internal and external investors and development of the capital market).