NBU to centralize all bank licensing and reorganization functions

The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) has decided to centralize all bank registration, licensing and reorganization functions in the registration and licensing department of the central bank, the NBU said in a letter to banks (No. 24-00011/21341).
"All packages of documents on the above-mentioned issues are to be submitted by banks to the NBU department," reads the letter.
According to the letter, the decision was made to execute the requirements of NBU resolution No. 841 of December 24, 2014 on the centralization of supervision functions of territorial departments at the level of the central office of the NBU.
According to the letter, the procedure will apply until amendments are made to the NBU legal acts: the procedure for the registration and licensing of banks, opening of detached divisions, the procedure for providing information on ownership structure (resolution No. 306 of September 8, 2011), the specifics of the reorganization of banks under a decision of their owners (resolution No. 189 of June 27, 2008).