Ukraine on Oct 28 imports via Slovakia record 30.7 mcm of gas - Eustream

Ukraine on October 28 through Slovakia imported 30.7 million cubic meters (mcm) of natural gas, while the previous high was set on October 20 when the country received 28.3 million cubic meters.
According to live data from Eustream a.s., the operator of the Slovak gas transportation system, in general, in the period from October 1 to October 28 the country had received about 734 million cubic meters of gas from Slovakia, the average daily delivery in the current month is 26.2 million cubic meters.
In addition, according to data from PJSC Ukrtransgaz, gas stocks in the company's underground gas storage facilities (UGS) as of October 27 amounted to 16.44 billion cubic meters, gas taking from the storage on this date totaled 72.67 million cubic meters.
Thus, since the beginning of the 2014/2015 heating season that started on October 20, gas stocks in the Ukrainian underground gas storage have decreased by 1.8% (by 309.22 million cubic meters).