14:05 04.03.2024

AI by AI HOUSE and UCU Announces School of Generative AI launch - Serhiy Tokarev

3 min read

The largest AI community in Ukraine, AI HOUSE, in collaboration with the Faculty of Applied Sciences at the Ukrainian Catholic University, is launching the School of Generative Artificial Intelligence. The initiative is designed for ML specialists with at least one year of experience working in the field, actively involved in creating ML systems, and possessing knowledge of linear algebra, probability theory, and statistics. The announcement of the School was shared on Facebook by Serhiy Tokarev, an IT entrepreneur and investor, co-founder and partner of the Roosh investment group, whose ecosystem includes AI HOUSE.

"For the past 2 years, AI HOUSE has been building a community that unites existing specialists and helps new AI/ML professionals grow. During this time, we have realized that the development in this field will be faster if we combine our efforts with educational institutions and the support of experts from other tech companies," wrote the IT investor.

The school will be held from March 11 to 16 in Lviv, the event will be conducted in Ukrainian. As part of the initiative, Ukrainian IT specialists will have the opportunity to thoroughly explore and assess the current state of such directions as Computer Vision, NLP, and Audio, and exchange experience with each other. As Serhiy Tokarev noted, "After gaining knowledge from the lectures, teams will have the opportunity to create their own solution based on Generative AI at a two-day hackathon".

Among the lecturers of the School are experts in the AI industry from top technological companies.

  • Vladyslava Tyshchenko – Senior Data Scientist, SoftServe;
  • Nazar Perepichka – AI/ML Architect, The Mom Project;
  • Nazarii Drushchak – Senior Data Scientist, SoftServe;
  • Serhii Yavnyi – Tech Lead, Responsible AI, Grammarly;
  • Ostap Vinnyavskyi – Computer Vision Engineer, DressX;
  • Ihor Babin – Machine Learning Team Lead, ADVA Soft;
  • Yurii Laba – Machine Learning Engineer, Intelliarts;
  • Andrii Shalimov – MLOps Engineer, Materialise;
  • Oleksandr Korniienko – Machine Learning Engineer, Grammarly, and CTO, UADamage;
  • Yu Zhang – Ph.D. candidate, University of Rochester;
  • Volodymyr Fedyniak – Computer Vision Tech Lead, DeepX;
  • Yaroslav Romanus – Research Scientist, ADVA Soft.

Upon completion of the Generative AI Spring School, all participants who join the offline course will receive a certificate of successful completion.

To participate, you need to fill out the registration form, and after confirmation from the organizers, donate from 1,000 hryvnias to scholarship funds in memory of the fallen Heroes from the UCU community. The number of participants is limited.

Also, anyone interested can gain access to live broadcasts and lecture recordings for a donation starting from 200 hryvnias. To do this, you need to register on the AI HOUSE website. However, this learning format does not include feedback from speakers and certificates of course completion.

AI HOUSE is a non-profit organization within the Roosh ecosystem. Its main goal is to build the largest and most powerful AI community in Ukraine to foster the emergence of new product-based AI startups, the development of the artificial intelligence field, and the overall growth of the technological sector.

The Faculty of Applied Sciences at UCU is recognized as the best in Ukraine according to the rankings of Forbes and DOU publications. It actively collaborates with global laboratories and universities and is also a participant in ELLIS, the pan-European network of scientific centers in the field of information technologies.