Gazzaev: Process of uniting football championshipsof Russia and Ukraine is irreversible

The press service of the organizing committee of the united football championship of Russia and Ukraine says it has not agreed with the assessments made in some media of statements made by UEFA President Michel Platini regarding this project.
At a press conference held after a meeting of the UEFA Executive Committee in Sofia on March 28 Platini expressed his attitude to integration processes in European football, including the idea of creating a unified league in Russia and Ukraine.
"Platini unambiguously supported the idea of unification in cases when it's necessary to save football. He, as nobody else, understands the challenges faced not only by certain clubs, but also many leagues and even national federations," the press service of the organizing committee reported on Friday.
"Some leagues are experiencing financial difficulties, and unification for them is the road to survival. They want to develop their football and have the opportunity to sell their commercial rights," the committee's press service quoted Platini as saying.
"It should be noted that Platini did not speak clearly with respect to the project of the unified championship," the press service reported.
"Speaking of Russia, the UEFA president described football in our country as strong in economic terms. When asked about his attitude to the project, Platini said: 'This is a difficult question, but I cannot now fully support this idea.' He also mentioned that it's necessary to look at the results of the Belgian-Dutch experiment, where the women's championship is currently being played, after which the question of uniting the Russian and Ukrainian championships will be considered by the executive committee of the organization," the press service reported.
"UEFA's position on the development of integration processes in European football is very close to us, and we see no problem that the UEFA head cautiously expressed his opinion," the press service quoted the director of the organizing committee, Valery Gazzaev, as saying.
He said that in addition to the Dutch-Belgian experience, it is also necessary to take into account the desire of Scottish clubs to play in the English Premier League, in which a club from Wales, Swansea, already plays
"In order to assess a big and bold experiment, a united championship, it's necessary to carefully weigh everything. The organizing committee is currently preparing a clear and detailed roadmap for the future championship, which will be presented to the entire football community. All of the necessary documents, presentations, analysis and justification, sports and marketing components of the project will soon be submitted to national and international football organizations. The project will be thoroughly tested and worked out in the next two years," the press service reported.
"The organizing committee is confident in its abilities, and we believe that the process of uniting the championship is irreversible," the press service quoted Gazzaev as saying.
"We believe that the unification with a strong Ukrainian championship is vital for us, as it will increase the competitiveness and level of participants, both within the championship and in the international arena. Only like this our football will manage to develop in new economic conditions, amid the global financial crisis, global integration processes, as well as with the introduction of the principle of financial fair play," the press service said.