12:41 08.09.2021

On September 16 -17, 2021 Odessa will host the VI International Investment Promotion Forum Odesa 5T & Odesa Region

3 min read
On September 16 -17, 2021 Odessa will host the VI International Investment Promotion Forum Odesa 5T & Odesa Region

Odesa 5T is a business event arranged in the South of Ukraine, an international platform for interaction, networking, cooperation, dialogue and discussions between the governmental agencies, municipalities, the international community, diplomatic missions, organizations, foundations, business circles and experts.

Odesa 5T features projects in five key directions of the city development: tourism, transport, technology, trade, trust.

For the sixth year in a row, Odesa 5T will serve as a platform for business and start-up presentations, a perfect spot to meet new partners, investors, business angels, a platform showcasing Odessa's capacities, the business community of this city, Ukraine and the whole world.

This year the event has reached a new level: there will be a joint presentation of the investment potential of Odessa and the Odessa region.

The Forum will focus mainly on the Odessa Development Strategy 2030, a new large-scale project to create an eco-industrial park "Priority Development Zone in Odessa", trends in the regional investment market, government support for domestic and foreign investors.

The business vision "Odessa Region - 2050" initiated by the Odessa Business Club will be presented to the participants.

The event will be attended by the leading Ukrainian and international speakers.

On the first day of the event, September 16, the pannelists will discuss the following:

• Instruments of state support for investment activities as drivers of the regional economic growth.


Sergey Grinevetsky, Head of the Odessa Regional State Administration

Dmitrii Sinichenko, Chairman of the State Property Fund of Ukraine, representative of the EBRD

• Trust "Dialogue between Government and Business"

Moderator: Sergey Tetiukhin, Deputy Mayor of Odessa


Anatolii Dolinnii, Ukrainian Business Council

Maksim Svirsky, Manager of the Executive Committee under the City Council

Anna Derevianko, EBA

Artem Stepanchuk, TM UFT

• Industrial parks


Roman Babitskii, Chairman of the Council for the International Investment and Economic Development of Ukraine

Eymantas Kludoulas, Klaipedos FEZ

Yuri Filyuk, "Prompribor"

Vitali Barannikov, Ecopolis KhTZ

Svetlana Yarovaya, Vinnytsia Municipal Innovation Center, Vinnytsia Industrial Park

Alongside, several memorandums will be signed.

On the first day, the Made in Odesa & Invest in Odesa exposition will be open for public on the territory of the concert hall, where entrepreneurs and representatives of the municipality will showcase the products, services and projects made in Odessa.

At the end of the first day there will be the traditional evening 5T Awards ceremony, which will recognize projects and companies that have achieved success in the five key areas of Odesa 5T and contributed to the development of the city in 2020.

On the second day, September 17, the leading speakers and fundraisers from Europe, as well as the well-known urbanists and architects from Ukraine will take the stage.

A workshop with the designer and chief urbanist of Eindhoven, Cees Donkers (Netherlands) is a must-be event.

Daria Pikalova, fundraiser of the Odessa 5T grant office, will present the results of the grant project Digital Cultural Routes: A Tool for the Development of the Cultural Sector, a mobile application called Let's Odesa.

Note: We took all the possible preventive measures to stop the spread of COVID-19 as per the official requirements.

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