17:21 12.11.2024

International Support and Cutting-edge Rehabilitation Technology: Insights from II Summit 'Partnership and Veterans' Health' in Brussels

7 min read

Recently, on October 28-29, 2024, the II Summit "Partnership and Veterans' Health", organized by Ruthenia ICF, was held in the Ukrainian Civil Society Hub within the European Parliament in Brussels. Over 70 speakers – representatives from government institutions, international organizations, charitable foundations from Ukraine, the EU, the United States; healthcare professionals, prosthetic manufacturers and veterans discussed projects and expanded collaboration to ensure high-quality medical and psychological rehabilitation of veterans, support prosthetics in Ukraine and abroad, as well as to support veteran in launching businesses.

Ukraine was represented at the summit by the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Health and the Representation of Ukraine to the EU. Ambassador Vsevolod Chentsov emphasized Ukraine's progress and future plans to support veterans, including international initiatives like Unbroken, Superhumans and Medevac.

"We are committed to supporting veterans and their families through expanded assistance programs. We also urge Ukrainian business to get involved. We should not consider veterans as a group suffered by conflicted, but as members of society who are valuable, capable members of society," the Ukrainian representative to the EU said.

Veterans' Health: Achievements and Challenges

Deputy Health Minister of Ukraine Oleksandr Porkhun highlighted significant advances in the Health Ministry's rehabilitation efforts.

"An important element of our policy is the development of a powerful rehabilitation system: in 2024, more than 221 rehabilitation departments will be created in cluster and supercluster hospitals, which will provide more than 9,000 therapeutic sessions every day. We plan to increase the number of rehabilitation beds to 7,800 throughout the territory of our country. For treatment for patients with the most complex injuries (such as spinal injuries), an intensive rehabilitation model has been introduced: patients can receive up to 8 cycles of 14 days per year," Porkhun said, adding that the Health Ministry actively integrates Israeli experience to better adapt rehabilitation protocols to Ukrainian realities. The Ministry of Health supports the professional adaptation of veterans by helping them get an education and start their own business in the field of health care. Veterans can receive advice on licensing issues directly from the ministry.

International Support

The summit was backed by numerous international partners. In particular, notable speakers included European Parliament representative, parliamentary assistant of MEP Petras Gražulis (who was a political prisoner during the Soviet era) Naglis Puteikis, Deputy in the Brussels Parliament Jonathan de Patoul and Alderman of the city of Fleurus Mikhaël Jacquemain.

"Most of us here live in relative ignorance of what is happening in Ukraine... While we enjoy our safety, Ukrainians are fighting for survival, just a short distance away. This war is a reality that demands our attention and action. Its aggression, its destructive impact and its consequences are much deeper than we may even fully understand. Our responsibility is to recognize that and act on it," Jacquemain said, calling for municipalities with direct access and understanding of the workings of local industrial and commercial networks.

"It is essential to raise awareness among Belgian and European municipalities of the potential they have both in terms of aid during the conflict and for future reconstruction efforts. Beyond material contribution, municipalities also have a tool for collaboration that is often underutilized – twinning cities. Ukrainians' desire to integration into Europe will largely depend on this: through sports, youth programs, culture or civic participation – it is above all human contacts that will foster mutual understanding and cohesion of our continent," the official said.

Expert in international business negotiations and geopolitics, researcher at the Federation for Diplomacy and United Nations Paul-Pierre-Rostislav Froissart outlined the association's initiatives to support Ukraine, specifically its assistance to Kyiv City Clinical Hospital No. 10.

Innovative rehabilitation approaches and technology

The U.S. company ValiCor US/UA founded by John Kilmer and Yuriy Kuznetsov, introduced the H.E.A.T. (Human Emotion Analysis Technology) emotional intelligence platform, aimed at integrating veterans into society through the development of emotional self-awareness.

"We support veterans and their families. I am American, but I was born in Ukraine. Our veterans in Ukraine are dying, they are coming home and 'dying' too: mothers cannot understand their soldier sons, husbands, fathers, brothers... Our focus is to help veterans who have fought to come back home to be reintegrated into society. I worked with soldiers in America after Iraq and Afghanistan, I know the pain... In Ukraine, right now, the mental health system is broken. You have the Digital Ministry that is trying to empower technology like ours. The cost of screening is $30 to $400 a test, too much. Our technology is affordable for veterans, for mothers… H.E.A.T. is a platform we can be integrated into any system and through partnerships we can help Ukraine. We are already working with Superhumans center," ValiCor US/UA founder Kilmer said.

Notable among the key international experts in medical equipment was Piet Stevens, founder of Ceriter BV, a company specializing in rehabilitation equipment for individuals with disabilities. Meanwhile, Össur, a leading prosthetics company, demonstrated Direct Socket technology, focused on innovative prosthetic solutions for lower-leg amputees at any level of activity, allowing the design, manufacture and installation of a prosthesis in one session.

Numerous healthcare and psychological centers, along with community organizations, showcased their projects and addressed pressing concerns. In particular, Founder of the Union of Ukrainian Veterans in Germany Liliya Ketler spoke about the stages of accompanying the injured and coordinating their delivery to healthcare facilities in German cities as part of the Medevac program. Despite challenges with housing and long-term rehabilitation in Germany, over 1,300 wounded soldiers are currently receiving treatment there.

Veterans, social reintegration specialists, and representatives from the Superhumans rehabilitation and prosthetics center, Andriy Vasiliev and Denys Kryvenko shared their experience with prosthetics by the center's specialists, who are certified to work with the most modern models. Denys, in particular, convinced by his own example that even with triple amputations it's possible to continue living and rediscover oneself.

Military psychologist-trauma therapist Oleksandr Galchynski presented the author's practical trainings for veterans and psychologists developed in partnership with the Israeli Trauma Coalition and UCU, and in cooperation with rehabilitation physician Anna Stoyak, based at the Median health center, training for physiotherapists.

Representatives from charitable foundations shared projects focused on veteran rehabilitation and inclusivity, namely PanteonX Charitable Foundation in partnership with the Association of Small Towns of Ukraine and the Navigart company highlighted efforts to adapt Ukrainian city infrastructures for veterans and people with disabilities. The CORP32 Charitable Foundation introduced a project centered on inclusivity and international support for veterans. Similar topics were also addressed by the Light in You Inclusive Foundation and the Healthy Movement Engineering Charitable Foundation.

In the thematic panel on the role of Ukrainian women in wartime, U.S. Army Veteran, President and CEO JAD Associates Judith Ann Cushman DuBose called for support for Ukrainian women, especially those in military service. She highlighted the resilience and dignity of women fulfilling roles as volunteers, medics, and snipers, as well as those enduring torture in captivity.

In conclusion, the esteemed patrons: Count Renaud de Kerchove de Denterghem, President of the Commission for International, European and Cross-border Affairs Christian Debève, and the founder of Ihor Vitenko Mission were honored with the Cross of the Patriot of Ukraine award.

The next summit to discuss new initiatives and ways to support Ukrainian veterans is scheduled for March 2025.

Details: PanteonX Charitable Foundation, Media and Information Department of the New Start for Ukraine platform ([email protected]).

PanteonX Charitable Foundation

Ruthenia ICF