19:04 17.04.2024

Associations of construction materials manufacturers working to meet NATO standards for defense products – President of Union of Construction Materials Manufacturers

1 min read

Ukrainian manufacturers of construction materials and research institutes are working to bring their products and structures used in the defense sector to meet NATO standards, said the President of the Ukrainian Union of Construction Materials Manufacturers, Kostiantyn Saliy.

“The direction we are working on is to ensure that Ukrainian products, construction materials and structures for the Ministry of Defense meet the NATO AQAP 2110 standard,” Saliy said at the round table Construction Materials. Readiness for Market Needs for Recovery in the Interfax-Ukraine agency on Tuesday.

According to him, Ukrainian unions and associations of construction materials participate in the construction of defensive structures and in the scientific and technical councils of the Ministry of Defense.

“The work is going on, we are heard and asked. We are trying to combine the efforts of our military with specialized state research institutes so that this assistance is professional. We want all developments to be tested at testing sites, so that full-scale tests are carried out,” he explained.