11:14 10.08.2023

Drohobych Mayor: 60% of IDPs in Drohobych are those who have nowhere to return

2 min read
Drohobych Mayor: 60% of IDPs in Drohobych are those who have nowhere to return

The majority of internally displaced persons (60%) who were taken in by Drohobych merged territorial community after the start of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine are people whose homes and property were destroyed as a result of hostilities, Drohobych Mayor Taras Kuchma has said.

"If in percentage terms, then I would say 40% are those who run away from danger, but their cities are not under occupation, but people are simply afraid because they are being bombed, and somewhere around 60% are those who there is nowhere to return, even if their settlements have already been de-occupied, of which about 10% are those who are already returning from abroad," Kuchma told Interfax-Ukraine.

He said in Drohobych the IDPs were conditionally divided into displaced persons fleeing danger and those who were forced to flee the war and who "have nothing: their houses have been bombed, their lives have been destroyed."

"The second group is psychologically a completely different type of people who behave quite differently and adapt rather hard in a new environment. For example, we had people from Mariupol: they had a business, a family, apartments, and then suddenly, in one moment, they have nothing. And such people should be supported, given faith that they are needed. Not to mention those who were left without eyes, without a hand, or have some other physical defects caused by the war and military actions. However, we do not humiliate people with pity," Kuchma said.


The interview with the mayor of Drohobych, Taras Kuchma, was prepared as part of a joint special project of the Interfax-Ukraine news agency and East Europe Foundation “Community Experience” (, launched in support by the Stiykist’ Programme which is implemented by East Europe Foundation within a consortium of non-governmental organisations led by ERIM (Equal Rights and Independent Media, France) and funded by the European Union. Its purpose is to show the experience of Ukrainian communities in the adaptation and integration of forcibly displaced persons in order to increase the efficiency of the work of local self-government bodies. You can learn more about effective interaction with IDPs in the free online course "Adaptation and integration of IDPs: experience and opportunities" on the educational "Zrozumilo!" platform

The opinions and statements expressed in the material do not necessarily coincide with the views of the consortium partner organizations and the European Union.