Nine years after Revolution of Dignity, battle for our independence continues – Zelenskyy on Memorial Day of Heavenly Hundred Heroes

Ukrainians know what it is to fight and defend their own freedom, both in the squares, and on the barricades, and on the frontline, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy said in an address dedicated to the Day of Memory of the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred on Monday, February 20.
"In difficult and defining moments of history, we never give up and always show courage and selflessness. Ukrainians become brother for brother, and everyone who is Ukrainian becomes a brother. This is the basis of our unity. Unity, which gives the future to our state and people. Unity, which gives us invincibility. And this is the basis of our connection with the world, with all those who value freedom and who are ready to defend it. The time comes, and the voices of millions merge into a single voice of the people who say: Ukrainians want and will live only in a free state. In their Ukraine, which will certainly be preserved, and which will certainly preserve freedom," Zelenskyy said.
He said that now, defending the country, Ukrainians remember that their strength and fortitude are based on the strength and fortitude of many Ukrainians who did not give up, dreamed and acted for Ukraine to live.
"Today we honor the memory of the heroes who gave their lives for Ukraine and Ukrainians during the Revolution of Dignity. Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred. People of all ages and professions from different regions, but the same and true values. This is respect for every person. Freedom and equality. Democracy. "The openness of Ukraine to the world and the unity of our state with all of Europe. And, of course, this is the independence of Ukraine. What motivated the Maidans to gather and defend themselves. What motivates now to fight and liberate our land," Zelenskyy said.
"Nine years after the Revolution of Dignity, the battle for our independence continues. For an independent, free and strong Ukraine, European and democratic, independent and whole. And there is no doubt that we will defend all this, that we will realize the dream of Ukrainian heroes," the president said.