18:04 22.08.2019

New Austrian Ambassador presents copies of credentials to Ukrainian Deputy FM

1 min read
New Austrian Ambassador presents copies of credentials to Ukrainian Deputy FM

New Ambassador of Austria to Ukraine Gernot Pfandler arrived in Kyiv and presented copies of his credentials to Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Olena Zerkal.

"The common historical and cultural heritage of Ukraine and Austria along with the ambitions to deepen economic and investment cooperation largely unite the interests of our countries," Pfandler said while presenting copy of credentials, the MFA's website said.

They positively assessed the state of bilateral cooperation. Improvement of the business climate in our country became the prerequisite for the growing interest of Austrian investors to the Ukrainian market.

The Year of Ukrainian culture in Austria and Austrian culture in Ukraine was positively marked.

In turn, Zerkal stressed the importance of Austria's continued support of reforms in Ukraine, including practical assistance in recovery and protection of Carpathian Forest.