Kyiv court puts renaming of UOC on hold

The Kyiv District Administrative Court has granted the motion of the Kyiv Metropolitanate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) of security for the claim in the case involving the reversal of the order issued by the Ukrainian Culture Ministry ordering the Kyiv Metropolitanate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church to change its name, the court's press service said on Monday.
"The court has granted the motion of the Kyiv Metropolitanate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church for security for the claim because failure to take such measures may considerably complicate or make it impossible to restore the breached or contested rights or interests of the plaintiff. Moreover, the court believes the enforcement at this time (before a decision is given on the merits of the case) of the contested regulation and its observance may lead to unjustified interference by the state in the work of a religious organization as a legal entity," a report posted on the court's official website said.
At the same time, the court says the decision does not suggest the actual resolution of the dispute, since it is aimed "solely at preserving the existing situation until the completion of the proceedings on the merits."