14:30 16.12.2017

Russia's occupation of Crimea, aggression in Donbas leads to actual expansion of geography of nuclear weapons proliferation – Klimkin

1 min read
Russia's occupation of Crimea, aggression in Donbas leads to actual expansion of geography of nuclear weapons proliferation – Klimkin

Russia's occupation of Crimea and aggression in the Donbass have led to the actual expansion of the geography of the deployment of nuclear weapons, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavel Klimkin has said.

"The illegal occupation of Crimea and the ongoing Russian aggression in Donbas region of Ukraine have left the low enriched uranium research reactor in Sevastopol, two nuclear repositories and more than 1,200 radionuclide sources without due control of the Ukrainian national regulator," Klimkin said during a speech at the ministerial meeting of the United Nations' Council Security on North Korea on Friday, the text of which is posted on the website of the Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the United Nations.

"When we speak about the importance of preserving and strengthening the nuclear non-proliferation regime, we should also keep in mind that the continuing occupation of the territory of Ukraine by a nuclear weapon state has resulted in de-facto expansion of the geographical area of nuclear weapons deployment," he added.