PGO will soon start transferring Yanukovych’s economic cases to court

Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko is optimistic about the prospects for completion of investigation into economic crimes during presidency of Viktor Yanukovych (Ukraine's Former President Viktor Yanukovych).
"I have an optimistic green folder on my desk where the prospects of the investigation into criminal proceedings of economic nature, committed in times of Yanukovych, are documented. All the files specify the period from November to December and from December to January. Thus, we believe that we will be passing the Yanukovych’s economic cases in the near future. Today, we have tried for the first time. Unfortunately, was not very effective through no fault of ours," Lutsenko told on Wednesday evening after the meeting of Verkhovna Rada’s Rule Committee, which was considering a motion calling for stripping Opposition Bloc MP Vadym Novinsky of parliamentary immunity.