09:55 30.03.2016

Ukraine to create National electronic library – strategy

1 min read
Ukraine to create National electronic library – strategy

Ukraine's Cabinet of Ministers has approved a Strategy for Librarianship Development until 2025.

The plan foresees a set up of Ukraine's National Electronic Library, full computerization of Ukrainian libraries with Internet access.

The Cabinet endorsed the Strategy by its order No 219-r dated March 23, 2016, and published it on the governmental website.

As of today, only 3,300 Ukraine's public libraries have access to the Internet, which accounts for 21% of all the public libraries in Ukraine, the Strategy reads. There is on overage only one computer per public library.

Overall, there are around 40,000 libraries of state and municipal ownership in Ukraine, while every third Ukrainian uses them, the document said.

The Strategy stipulates that it should be implemented by state authorities; local self-governments; librarian, educational, scientific and cultural institutions, as well as public organizations.