Ukrainian army claims overnight militants' mortar attack on closed Zaitseve checkpoint

The Ukrainian army has reported an attack on the closed Zaitseve checkpoint in the Horlivka suburb, which is situated on the contact line in the conflict zone. The army said the attack happened after Kyiv closed the checkpoint on February 3, because of shelling incidents.
The militants "fired over 150 mines from 120mm and 82mm mortars banned by the Minsk agreements" on the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the towns of Zaitseve, and Mayorsk, in the early hours of February 4, the army operation press center wrote on Facebook.
It said that similar activity had been observed in other areas, including Kominternove, in the Mariupol sector, and Triokhizbenka, in the Luhansk region.
The Zaitseve checkpoint was closed on February 3, in accordance with the decision of the Ukrainian army operation staff.