EP welcomes first steps of Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine on implementation of agreements with EU

The European Parliament on January 20 adopted a resolution welcoming the progress of Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine in implementation of association and deep and comprehensive free trade agreements (AA/DCFTAs) with the EU highlighting remaining reform tasks for each country.
According to a press release posted on EP website, success of Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine becoming closer to political and economic integration with the European Union "depends on many factors, including stable and economic situation, strategic thinking, definite reform planning and proper use of international financial and technical support."
MEPs also pointed out that still EU financial support must be matched by concrete progress on reform.
Besides, the EP condemned Russia's suspension of its free trade agreement with Ukraine at the very moment when the EU-Ukraine free trade deal entered into force.
They deplored the "heavy trade restrictions" on Ukraine's exports to Russia, voice concerns about Ukraine's economic and financial standstill and repeat the need for further EU financial assistance.
They called on EU member states to avoid building new gas pipelines from Russia that bypass Ukraine, such as "Nord Stream II", reads the document.
In a resolution MEPs said they expect Ukraine's leadership to fulfill its commitments to fight "endemic" corruption, which, they say, remains the biggest challenge to its reform efforts.
The MEPs pointed out that Georgia's exports to the EU rose by 15%, and Moldova's by 62% in the first year, and said they expect to similar growth in those from Ukraine.