Ukroboronprom modernizes KT-7.62 tank gun, firing rate more than triples

Specialist of public joint-stock company Mayak Plant (Kyiv), part of the Ukroboronprom state concern, have modernized the 7.62 mm tank Kalashnikov KT-7.62 tank machine gun used by the armored fighting vehicles and planes of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
The press service of the state concern reported that the modernization considerably increases the reliability and efficiency of the gun and improves its operational and physical characteristics, the concern said.
The firing rate has bee more than tripled: from 250 to 800 shots a minute and the range has grown by more than 1.5 times, from 1.3 kilometers to over 2 kilometers. The maximum range is over 3.8 kilometers. The gun could be equipped with optic or night vision sight.
"The Picatinny rail, trigger switch and mechanic sighting unit installed instead of the electric trigger switch allow personally tune the gun," reads the report.
The modernized KT-7.62 is also installed on imported HMMWV s and Saxons.