14:08 26.02.2014

Ukraine needs professional govt - Maidan representative

2 min read

Volodymyr Parasiuk, a representative of Maidan, said the Maidan will not allow a repeat of the 2004 scenario, when the results of the "Orange Revolution" were reduced to nothing by politicians' actions.

"What is being done in the parliament - they want the 2004 scenario to come to pass. However, we will prevent the 2004 scenario. It's official for all politicians: forget it!" Parasiuk told a press conference at Interfax-Ukraine on Wednesday.

Parasiuk believes the new government should be composed of professionals. "This government should be apolitical. All ministers should not belong to any parties because there are many reasonable people, managers and economists, in Ukraine who can do this job […] We need professionals. The state should get rich, first of all," the activist said.

"First of all, I am calling on the Maidan not to leave. It's the epicenter of resistance, now it is the source of control over the administration," he said.

Parasiuk spoke against the rioting that are now taking place in Ukraine. "The authorities should control the situation, but there is no need to destroy everything. I was in Lviv yesterday: the message there is to go beat Donetsk businessmen. I am confident that Donetsk, Luhansk, and Kharkiv have honest businessmen who were hurt by this regime and they need help now, and the state should help them," he said.

Parasiuk is the commander of a Maidan self-defense unit that gave Viktor Yanukovych an ultimatum to resign on February 21, thus considerably speeding up the change of the country's administration.