16:03 19.08.2024

Denmark announces new military aid package of DKK 738 mln for Ukraine

2 min read
Denmark announces new military aid package of DKK 738 mln for Ukraine

The Danish Government has announced the transfer of a new military aid package to Ukraine that includes money for the purchase of new military equipment through the Ukrainian defense industry and the industrial pool, as well as more donations of equipment through international partners.

"Putin continues unabatedly the brutal and bloody attacks against the Ukrainians. It is crucial that Denmark continues to support Ukraine so that they are able to defend themselves. This twentieth military support package has been put together on the basis of Ukraine's requests and needs and must support Ukraine both in the short term and in the coming years," Defense Minister of Denmark Troels Lund Poulsen said.

The donation package has a total value of approximately DKK 783 million (or around $115.8 million) and is composed on the basis of Ukraine's needs and recommendations, a dialogue with international partners, and the Defense Ministry's recommendations.

Central to the package are the financial contributions. Among other things for the industry pool, which is increased by DKK 300 million in 2024. The industrial pool is targeted at procurements in the defense industry to meet Ukraine' military needs. An additional DKK 112 million is also set aside to finance donations through the Ukrainian defense industry.

"Denmark is and will remain among Ukraine's biggest supporters. We have continuously shown that where there is a will, there is a way, and Denmark has set the international standard for support to Ukraine. Today we are taking another step with the twentieth military donation package, which will provide Ukraine with much-needed military equipment, which will make a difference against Russia's war of aggression," Foreign Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen said.

For operational and security reasons, no details about the contents of the donation package were published.

The donation package is financed within the Ukraine Fund, subject to the Finance Committee's subsequent final approval.