Govt proposes to Rada to ban imports of electricity from Russia, Belarus until 2022, impose obligations to develop generating facilities on Ukrenergo

The government's bill on amendments to the law on the electricity market, among other things, has proposed that the Verkhovna Rada once again return to the issue of restricting imports of electric energy from the Russian Federation and Belarus.
So, according to the text of the legislative initiative registered on June 15 (No. 3657), in particular, it is proposed to completely ban imports of electricity from Russia and Belarus under bilateral agreements into the day-ahead market, intraday market, as well as the balancing market, until December 31, 2021.
According to the bill, after this date, the entire volume of electricity imported from countries that are not members of the Energy Community will be available for sale exclusively on the day-ahead market and on the balancing market. Currently, restrictions on imported electric power are applied to the Russian Federation, which electricity is available for sale only on the day-ahead market. In turn, the import of electricity from Belarus is currently possible under bilateral agreements both on the day-ahead market and the intraday market.
The bill also proposes to impose special obligations to ensure the development of generating capacities and take measures to manage demand, providing for the costs of fulfilling these obligations in the transmission tariff, on the operator of the power transmission system – NEC Ukrenergo. Payment for the corresponding service will have to be made by the operator in stages after the commissioning of new generating facilities or the implementation of measures for managing demand.
In addition to signing an agreement with the winner of the tender (for construction or implementation of activities), Ukrenergo will also have to monitor the fulfillment of obligations by the investor.