13:05 29.11.2018

GSK Ukraine calls to pay attention to signs confirming original vaccines

1 min read
GSK Ukraine calls to pay attention to signs confirming original vaccines

GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Ukraine LLC (GSK Ukraine) has called on patients to pay attention to signs confirming original vaccines.

The pharmaceutical company said in a press release that in September 2018, GSK Ukraine received information about cases of applying a vaccine labeled as Infanrix IPV by one of the private clinics of Kyiv city that contained signs of possible counterfeit package and counterfeit accompanying documents thanks to applications of patients.

After analyzing information, the company revealed that the vaccines were not imported by GSK Ukraine and did not pass the quality control.

GSK Ukraine sent official applications about suspicions of illegal imports of Infanrix IPV vaccine to the State Service of Ukraine for Medicines and Drugs Control and Health Ministry of Ukraine.

The company also initiated the internal investigation.

GSK Ukraine said that the State Service of Ukraine for Medicines and Drugs Control banned turnover of two series of vaccine illegally imported to the country.

GSK Ukraine said that the ban does not apply to other vaccines made by GSK, which were imported in line with Ukrainian legislation.